William Shallum

xtables-addons on Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 LTS

Posted Sep 1 2014, 18:20 by William Shallum [updated Sep 1 2014, 18:21]

The xtables-addons on Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 is version 2.3, which is incompatible with its kernel (3.13).

Upgrading from a 12.04 LTS install with xtables-addons installed will not end well (kernel panics when it is loaded).

Steps to install 2.5:

# get dependenciesapt-get build-dep xtables-addons
# get previous version's packaging scriptsapt-get source xtables-addons
# get sources
wget ...xtables-addons-from-sourceforge...
mv ...xtables-addons-from-sourceforge... xtables-addons_2.5.orig.tar.xz
# untar sources
tar -xJf xtables-addons_2.5.orig.tar.xz
# use previous version's packaging scripts
cd xtables-addons-2.5
tar -xJf ../xtables-addons_2.3-1.debian.tar.xz
# edit changelog to change version
dch -v 2.5-0local1
# edit debian/patches/series
# comment skip-depmod.patch too
# edit debian/xtables-addons-dkms.dkms.in
# MAKE="make ${MAKEARGS} modules ; find ${BDIR} -name '*.ko' -exec mv -v {} ${BDIR} \;"
# to 
# MAKE="make ${MAKEARGS} modules ; find ${BDIR} -mindepth 2 -name '*.ko' -exec mv -v {} ${BDIR} \;"
# (add -mindepth 2 otherwise dkms install stops with an error moving the same file to itself)
# build
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
# install xtables-addons-common and xtables-addons-dkms