Random Notes
Random useful(?) notes.
May 9 2011, 16:28 Iptables & GeoIP on Debian squeeze
May 7 2011, 04:21 ActionMailer embedding images in HTML email
Apr 17 2011, 05:40 Accessing the WAN port on Fonera 2.0n with PPPoE
Apr 17 2011, 05:15 Automatically start tmux on SSH login
Jan 27 2011, 14:57 pkgsrc on linux: using nbpatch instead of GNU patch
Sep 2 2010, 23:45 Google Apps + OpenID: logging in with your own domain name
Aug 29 2010, 04:37 SSLH: configuring logging, logrotate, and Logwatch
Aug 25 2010, 23:18 node.js: Set unix socket permissions
Jul 24 2010, 06:56 Sendmail: redirect all mail for development
May 23 2010, 08:11 Using memcache to get results from a gearman background job